January 21, 2016
The Times, Scottish Edition, 18th January 2016, by Giles Sutherland
“…It’s been commonplace, over the past few decades, to hear various pronouncements about the ‘death of painting’. It’s clear, however, that such judgements are premature, and inaccurate. Certainly, on the evidence of this show, the craft and art of painting is very much alive….”
Read the full review here
“…Audrey Grant’s oil painting, showing a seated female figure against a disturbing yellow ground, takes its title from R.M. Rilke’s Seventh Duino Elegy ‘Nowhere, Beloved Will World Be But Within Us’ (Nirgends, Geliebte, wird Welt sein, als innen). Grant’s imagery somehow conveys the sense of Rilke’s words while avoiding literalism…”
W GORDON SMITH PAINTING AWARD EXHIBITION, Dovecot Gallery, Infirmary Street, Edinburgh, 12th – 30th January 2016
Read Susan Mansfield’s Scotland on Sunday article here